10 Reasons Why You Need a Brand Strategy

10 Reasons for Branding & the Importance of Building a Brand Strategy

Wondering why a brand strategy is important? Brand building strategies are essential in business because the brand experience is heavily tied to company value and long term success.

From a marketing perspective, here are the 10 reasons for branding and why you need to build a brand strategy.

Importance of a Brand Strategy:

  1. It sets you apart from the competition
    Competition is fiercer than ever thanks to globalization. Technology allows consumers to easily compare all of their options. Brands must compete with more than other businesses; they have to compete with an exponentially increasing amount of noise just to get the consumer’s attention.
  1. Transform your product from being a commodity into something that has a life of its own
    Again, the proliferation of products and services is staggering. Many companies that were historically successful find their products have become commodities. Branding can help even a commoditized product differentiate.
  1. Maximize your brand’s relevance in the heart and mind of your customer
    Gaining the attention of today’s consumer is no easy feat. You can’t just “buy” consumer attention anymore, you have to earn it. To earn it, your brand has to be lovable. The importance of brand names is that customers do not fall in love with them; they fall in love with the entire brand experience.
  1. Importance of brand building to create loyalty
    When you create an emotional connection with consumers, they’re more likely to stick with you. Just think about how much easier it is to say ‘no’ with a quick phone call or email than it is to say no to a person face-to-face. When you create a brand, you create a humanistic connection that makes it harder to leave. It’s a lot easier (and less expensive) to keep a current customer than it is to acquire one. When branding creates an emotional connection with customers who become attached, you get more bang for your buck. All of your marketing efforts become more powerful when they are coming from a strong brand that has a foothold in the hearts and minds of consumers.
  1. Create trust
    Why branding matters? Because people buy from companies they know, like, and trust.
  1. Expand market share
    An example of how powerful branding can be: Learn about how a fitness brand gained international market share and grew annual sales to over $200 million thanks to a strong brand strategy.
  1. Provide a platform for growth through brand extensions
    Brands outlive their products. If your company is only about one product, it dies when the product dies. A brand strategy allows you to have the flexibility to expand the product line. Learn how a dental implant company rebranded to increase awareness and sales.
  1. Command higher prices
    Why do you think people are willing to pay for Grey Goose while an abundance of lower-priced options floods the market?
  1. Increase shareholder value
    A study by Interbrand in association with JP Morgan concluded that on average, brands account for more than one-third of shareholder value. For example, the study showed that the McDonald’s brand accounts for more than 70 percent of shareholder value. (Source: BusinessWeek, Interbrand/JP Morgan)
  1. Generate stronger financial results

Malcolm Gladwell’s best-selling book, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, asserts that buying decisions occur in split seconds instead of long, drawn-out processes, and are based on memories, images, and feelings. This is your brand.

ParkerWhite is a full-service branding agency with the motto ‘we give brands life.’ Learn more about our unique 5D Branding process.


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in October 2013 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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  1. […] Your brand is the most valuable thing you can invest in as a marketer. It’s the only thing that will last the test of time. It’s the only way you can create truly inimitable differentiation. When managed and grown properly, your brand can become an intangible asset that provides financial value. Your brand is way too valuable to risk hurting it. Protect your brand like you would anything you really care about, with focused attention and only the best care. […]

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  16. […] There are many reasons to have a brand strategy from a business perspective. The most basic forms of brand communication are necessary for presenting your company in a variety of situations, and should be a priority from the very beginning. Think of it this way: your brand strategy is your way of identifying the “forest,” and once you have done this, then you can start talking about the trees. To talk about one tree without understanding its place in the forest would be foolish. […]

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  18. […] Every company must have a brand strategy. Find out why branding is so essential in today's business environment.  […]

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